To build a VM in the cloud
- Sign up to Amazon Web Services
- Select EC2 from the AWS Dashboard
- Launch a new instance
- Create a new Key Pair
- Connect to the VM
Sign Up to Amazon Web Services
Sign up for a free Amazon Web Services account
Sign up for a free Amazon Web Services account
Note: You will
need to give your address details, bank details and your phone number in
order to sign up – even if you already have an Amazon prime account. Some of the EC2 instances are free but there
is a cost associated with many instances although this cost is low. Ensure you have your phone on you as you will
receive a recorded message giving you a code to enter as part of the sign up.
Getting started pages
Click on “EC2 – Virtual server in the cloud”.
You’ll be taken to the EC2 dashboard. An example is below. This will show the resources you are using in the region you have selected. You can change your region by clicking on the dropdown next to your name in the top right of the screen.
Launch a new Instance
Click on “Launch Instance” to create a new
instance. This will take you through the
following steps:
Step 1: Choose an Amazon
machine Image (AMI). I chose Ubuntu.
Step 2: Choose an
Instance type. The Free instance is a
titchy 1 GB with 1 CPU, but it is free! (I
used an Ubuntu t2.micro). Try this to start with or select a larger instance if
you don’t mind spending the money. The
prices are low and are listed here:
Clicking on
“Launch” will accept the defaults and skip the next few steps to Step 7.
Step 3: Configure
Instance details
Step 4: Add
Step 5: Tag
Step 6: Configure
security group
Step 7: Review
Instance Launch
Before you can launch the new instance you
will be asked to provide a Key Pair.
Create a new Key Pair
A key pair consists of a public key that
AWS stores and a private key file that you store. Together they allow you to connect to your
instance securely.
Create a new key pair, give it a name and
download it. Store it somewhere securely
and remember the location as you will need this, particularly if you are
intending to connect to your shiny new VM via PuTTY.
Launch your instance and click on “View
Instance” to go back to the dashboard. Your instance may take a couple of
minutes to launch. The instance state
will update once it is ready.
Once the VM is running, the instance state
will change to “running”.
Connect to the VM
You have the option of connecting with a
Java SSH Client or a standalone SSH client.
I couldn’t get the Java SSH Client to work so connected using PuTTY. (Continued in "Building OpenJDK9 on the Cloud... Part 2").
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